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I am not alone ...

07/26/2024 11:07:15 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

The man seemed from another era as he slowly and carefully walked into the office and quietly sat down. The wrinkles running across his face revealed his painful past. Laibel Leibstein* had recently turned 90. He had lived in Boro Park for years, yet sometimes still confused the streets.


07/11/2024 11:36:47 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

”Four Crak! Three Bam! Eight Dot!” The words roll off the tongues of the four women, intensity focused on the small rectangular tiles before them. The tension builds as the women, all concentrating on the strange-looking tiles before them, as if they are on a life-saving mission, are vying to be able to scream out the coveted utterance only known to the select initiated group of Jewish women world over.

Rav Shneur Kotler and the Lubavitcher Rebbe

07/11/2024 10:44:13 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

Today is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Yosef Chaim Shneur Zalman Kotler ZT’L Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, who passed away in 1982. It is also the Yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who passed away in 1994. Both these individuals left an indelible and everlasting impact on the Jewish world.


07/05/2024 12:21:44 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

KLOP- Yiddish Definition: 1- v. To knock in order to call attention. 2- 2- n. A bang, hit, blow. The man was so excited as he awoke in the morning. He was up and about and keen on doing his Chessed project. It was Rosh Chodesh, and he knew that the regular Chiyuvim (mourners) who generally lead the davening were precluded from doing so because of the semi-holiday of Rosh Chodesh.

Shlomo the Caterer

07/03/2024 03:02:04 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

The war has taken a terrible toll on the Jewish people. The loss of the precious Neshomos of those killed on Simchas Torah and the brave soldiers who give their lives Al Kiddush Hashem are the most painful of the sacrifices made by the people of Israel. Yet, during these more than six months of the war, there have been many difficulties faced by simple people in Israel in their daily quest to support their families. Shlomo Tal* is one of those.

You Never Know

06/11/2024 11:53:38 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

Shavuos is a difficult time for a Rav. The Rav is expected(?) to lead the Shul in learning throughout the night. (Full disclosure, I have not stayed up the entire night in years.) Yet, as difficult as learning the entire night may be, preparing for the night's learning is harder.

The New Suit

05/31/2024 10:12:38 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

Last Shabbos, the 17th of Iyar, the 32nd day of the Omer, was the 38th Yahrtzeit of my Rebbe, Rav Nissan Alpert ZT”L (1927 – May 25, 1986). I spoke about him in Shul that Shabbos. However, nothing could have prepared for what transpired that following day in Shul on Lag B'Omer.

R’ Avrohom Aronovitch ZT”L- On His Seventh Yahrtzeit

05/29/2024 11:29:44 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

I have a personal sadness on this day. Today is the seventh Yahrtzeit of Rav Avrohom Aronovitch. Rav Aronovitch was a special man; he was a teacher of Torah and a lover of Jews. He was the first person in town to ensure we all observed the Mitzvah of not wearing Shatnez. He was a wonderful father and husband to his family. Yet, to me, he was my friend.

The Hockey Puck of Love

05/16/2024 11:22:58 AM


Rabbo Eisenman

When his father, an academic who enjoyed physics over sports, asked his fourteen-year-old son where he would like to go, the young boy did not hesitate.

Maalot Kedoshim

05/15/2024 02:24:53 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

When I awoke this morning, I felt it. Something wasn’t right. The feeling was different than the constant feeling of anxiety which has held me captive since October 7th. This time was different. During Krias Shema, the epiphany took hold of me. After davening, I checked the dates. My feelings were correct. My internal clock sensed that today was different. Today’s discomfort was a flashback. A flashback to an event I can never and will never forget.

A Humble Giant

05/13/2024 12:14:48 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

Today is the ninth Yahrtzeit of Harav Aharon Lichtenstein (May 23, 1933 – April 20, 2015).I had the privilege of learning Torah, and perhaps more relevant for me was the privilege of simply observing him in his day-to-day life. This Shabbos at 5:30, Rav Lichtenstein will be the subject of my Shabbos afternoon Shiur.

Yad Leah

05/07/2024 03:53:37 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

Sara was having a tough Pre-Pesach day. Living in Israel has its own unique challenges. However, living outside of Yerushalayim in a smaller settlement community, you are “privileged” to experience “special challenges.” That morning, her entire family overslept as there was an unexpected Hafsakat Chashmal (power failure) during the night, causing her alarm clock to flash 4:00 and disabling its alarm.

I Took a Cab - In Memory of Leah Bas Meir A”H

04/17/2024 10:43:39 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

Nine years ago today, my mother passed away. What can I extrapolate from her life to help me better navigate the challenges of my life? She was a true Ohev Shalom- lover of peace in a real and meaningful way.

Huvi Saves the Day

04/11/2024 01:59:34 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

It was a warm day even for Beit Shemesh in the winter. All of the girls arrived at the Simcha Hall dressed for the Simcha. As soon as they arrived, they realized something was wrong. The air conditioning in the Shul broke that afternoon, and the family had no other option but to continue in the heat.

A Happy Ending

03/29/2024 10:48:37 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

I appreciate the downtime when I sit in my office on Shushan Purim. It's a time to review the events of the last twenty-four hours. It is a day to take stock and wind down from the frenetic pace of Purim. Once I became a Rav, I understood all too well why Yom Kippur is referred to as ”Yom Ki-Purim”- a day ”somewhat like” Purim. The responsibilities of a Rav to his Kehilla on Yom Kippur are quite daunting.

You Never Know

03/14/2024 03:11:32 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

As the plane landed at Ben Gurion airport, before even disembarking from the El-Al flight, Mendel Diamond* was texting his wife. Mendel had arrived from Los Angeles to bury his mother, who had passed away the day before. As soon as he passed through customs at the airport, he met up with his cousin Baruch, who would take him straight to Har Menuchos.

Binyamin Zev Ben Shlomo Herzka

03/11/2024 11:45:07 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

Today is the 18th Yahrzeit of my beloved father-in-law, Binyamin Zev ben Shlomo Herzka, known to all as Willi Herzka. Born in Vienna in 1930, he was separated from his parents before he was ten and sent to England to live with non-Jewish families and in an orphanage for Jewish children whose parents remained under the Nazi boot.

Brochus and Blushing

03/11/2024 11:39:39 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

As Rivka and her husband Zev pulled into the parking lot in Monsey, they breathed a sigh of relief. They had traveled over four hours from Baltimore and were relieved to arrive in time for the Chupah.The Chosson was her husband’s former Chavrusa, and he had waited a long time to finally find his Bashert.

The 25th Yahrtzeit

02/22/2024 12:51:51 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

Yoel Moshe ben Yosef Nosson was born on the 30th day of Tishrei 5686 (October 18, 1925). He passed away on the 13th of Adar in 1999. He was born in Bikur Cholim Hospital on Rechov Nathan Straus in Yerushalayim. His parents moved from Yerushalayim to what was then called Bayit VeGan (“House and Garden”), an Orthodox Jewish suburb of Arab Jaffa.

The Rosh HaYeshiva's Yarhtzeit

02/16/2024 10:52:22 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

I still hear his voice loud and strong as he led the yeshiva in singing Maoz Zur on Chanuka. Today, Erev Shabbos, which is Zayin Adar Aleph, marks the 29th Yahrtzeit of HaRav Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht ZTRead more...

The Tale of Two Boys

02/01/2024 01:54:36 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

One young boy had a difficult time in school. His parents did their best to provide him with the education which matched his needs. It wasn't always easy. Our Talmid had a challenging time in elementary school.

One on Achdus

01/23/2024 03:18:29 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

The other day, someone asked me, ”Rabbi, How long do you think this newfound Achdus in Klal Yisroel will last?” I pondered his question and wondered about the reality of this so-called newfound Achdus. What follows are some thoughts on the topic of Achus. There is no doubt that people right now are united. However, there are two types of Achdus.


01/23/2024 03:14:22 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

It was a Sunday, the third day of Chanukah. Savta and Zaidy spent the day with their granddaughters in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Tuvia, who is presently serving on the front lines protecting all of us from those who rise up to destroy us, was privileged to receive a rare two day-pass from the army to spend Shabbos and Sunday Chanukah with the family.

My Mother

01/16/2024 03:32:59 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

My mother, Leah Bas Meir, known to all as Lorraine (née Rubin), was born on January 16th, 1930, in the Hunts Point neighborhood of the South Bronx. At the time of her birth, the South Bronx was about 60% Jewish. The entire borough achieved a distinction that no other New York City borough ever claimed:

I am Yosef. Is my father still alive?

01/15/2024 03:14:47 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

”I Am Yosef. Is My Father Still Alive?” This is perhaps the most famous and perplexing question asked in human history. All the commentators ask, why would Yosef ask, ”Is my father still alive?”


01/08/2024 02:04:44 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

”Hashem forgives, and in so doing, teaches us to forgive.” (Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, The Dignity of Difference, p. 154) Rivka called me before Rosh Hashanah. Rivka lived in Eretz Yisroel for almost fifteen years and kept in contact with me. Through phone calls and emails, I followed her life.

A Hard Day

12/25/2023 04:01:03 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

It was an unusually cold day in Yeshivas Kerem B’Yavneh.The Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht (1924-1994) was giving a Sicha (a semi-informal talk). He was seated on a chair at the front of the Yeshiva and looked regal to me. He was our connection to the past and our hope for the future.

The Hug

12/11/2023 06:50:59 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

The anticipation was unbearable. It was a time we were both waiting for since October 7th, Simchas Torah in Israel. He was called from his house on that Shabbos and except for a few hours here and there had not been home for any extended period.


12/11/2023 06:46:26 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

When one spends Shabboss in Yerushalayim, Shabbos does not end. It continues way into Motzei Shabbos, especially on Chanukah. The reason is that the lights of Chanukah on Motzei Shabbos illuminate the entire city for hours and hours after Shabbos has officially ended.

Shabbos - Chanukah

12/08/2023 09:43:05 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

I am home! It makes no difference if there are long breaks in between, here is home! As I walk the streets of this special holy City- I feel as I belong. I am B’Soch Ami (amongst my people).
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784