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Some Give Blood - Some Take Blood

10/11/2023 05:41:45 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

We know that the Jewish people are in a very difficult situation.

However, we can never despair or give up hope.

Our enemies attempt to take precious Jewish blood.

Yet, we respond by giving our precious Jewish blood.

My son Meir, who is not in the reserves, nevertheless knew he had to do something to help the Jewish people.

He decided to give blood.

He made his way to the Jerusalem Arena- a large 11,000-seat Arena that generally hosts sports and entertainment events.

It was now turned into a blood donation center.

As he made his way there, a couple called out from their car, “Please come in. We are all going to the same place.”

When he arrived, he saw the line of those waiting to donate blood had wrapped around the building.

When he asked, “How long the wait would be?”- He was told it would be three hours.

Surprised by the long wait, he overheard a fellow say, “Yesterday, the wait was four hours, and I would have waited for eight hours if needed!”

Friends, this is the difference between “us” and “them.”

They want to take our blood and spill it (Chas V”Shalom) like water in the streets.

As Dovid HeMelech says in Tehillim 79, “They have poured out blood like water all around Yerushalayim.”

However, we want to GIVE blood!

We want to help and give of ourselves.

We want to make the world a better place.

They want to destroy Hashem’s world; we will rebuild it.

In the Zechus of donating our blood in response to their taking of our blood, Hashem should have Rachmonis (mercy) on His people.

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784