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08/08/2023 10:00:38 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

We are familiar with the reality that one can daven anywhere in the world and Hashem hears our Tefillos.

Nevertheless, Chazal tell us that our Tefillos go “through” the place of the Beis HaMikdash and from there to Shomayim.

This is of course the reason why so many flock daily to Hashem’s “house” in order to make sure our Tefillos are delivered in the most direct way place possible.

It’s difficult to put into words however, one just “feels” their Tefillos are more effective at the door of Hashem’s house.

I have not taken for granted the Zechus granted to me this last week and I have tried to make the most of staying close to “Home!”

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784