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Tu B'Av and the Churva Shul

08/02/2023 10:21:23 AM


Rabbi Eisenman

“How Great are your ways Hashem!”

Today on Tu Bav, less than a week after we fasted, sat on the ground and cried for Yerushaalayim, I finally felt the consoling Hand of He who consoles all.

I did not thankfully have to wait for some Messeianic time or some “time in the world to come.” I was privileged to be consoled today in the here and now.

This morning I awoke at five and quickly prepared myself to meet Him.

I dressed in nice clean clothing and hurriedly made my way along the semi-lit, still mostly dark streets of the city.

As I walked, I did not walk alone.

To my right was my great, great, great, great, great- grandfather, Rav Zalman Tzoref.


(Also see

And to my left was his son Rav Moredechai Tzoref.

Behind him was his son, my father’s name sake and my great, great grandfather, Rav Yoel Moshe Salamon.


And next to him was his son Tuvia, the father of my grandfather and name sake of my own son.

My son and grandchildren were not far behind making the Churva Shul a place my family has been davening and involved with for almost two hundred years!

As I arrived for davening, I was awestruck by the huge dome and imposing edifice.

Suddenly, as we all rose in unison at the precise moment of sunrise, 5:55 and 41 seconds, as I said the words, “Tzur Yisroel, Kuma B’ezras Yisroell”- “ The Rock of Israel (Hashem) stand up and help the Jewish people (Yisroel)”- I began to cry.

Here I was standing up, as Hashem has stood up and helped His people.

Here I was in the midst of the greatest physical manifestation of Hashem’s helping hand to His people seen in the last two thousand years- how could I not cry?

I did not see vidoes about foxes seemingly appearing at the Temple Mount.

I did not need any mystical semi-coherent and indecipherable “supposed-signs” of Hashem’s Hand, His hand was commanding me at that very moment to stand.

His hand was reaching out and helping me stand before him!

The Rock of Israel was standing with me as He was commanding the Jewish people to stand with Him!

I was witnessing and living and experiencing in a clear unadulterated way, Hashem’s comforting Hand.

Despite the destruction and dispersal of the Jewish people almost two thousand years ago from their land.

Despite suffering through the devastation of the Crusades, the destruction of the Spanish Inquisition and the harrowing horrors of the Holocaust, we are back and STANDING stronger than ever!

As I stood silently before Him at exactly 5:55 a.m. and forty one seconds and said the words, “Baruch Ata Hashem”- (Blessed are you Hashem), “Ga’al Yisroel!”- “The redeemer of His Jewish people!”

I was truly redeemed and consoled!

I now understand the statement of Chazal, “Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel says, "There were never happier days for the Jews like the fifteen of Av and Yom Kippur!”

Yom Kippur we have our souls redeemed and on Tu B’av we have physical bodies redeemed!

Today I was consoled.

Thank you Hashem!


Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784