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I am Yosef. Is my father still alive?

01/15/2024 03:14:47 PM


Rabbi Eisenman

"I Am Yosef. Is My Father Still Alive?"

(Bereishis 45:3)


Part One- Yosef

"I Am Yosef. Is My Father Still Alive?"

This is perhaps the most famous and perplexing question asked in human history.

All the commentators ask, why would Yosef ask, "Is my father still alive?"

After all, Yehudah, in his plea to Yosef to free Binyamin and allow them to return to Eretz Yisroel, mentions multiple times that their elderly father would be severely and adversely impacted if Binyamin did not return with them.

Yehudah screams out, "When he (our father Yaakov) sees that the boy is gone, he will die."

If so, how could Yosef ask, "Is my father still alive?"

One answer offered by The Beis HaLevi – HaRav Yosef Dov HaLevi Soleveichik (1820-1892; Brisk, Lita) is that Yosef was not "asking"- rather, he was "telling" them what they "needed to hear."

Behind Yosef's question, "Is my father still alive?" is his questioning of the validity of their claim that they care much for their elderly father.

Yosef does not believe them.

He does not believe they care for their father.

And he points out to them in stark terms,

"Your words do not match up to your actions!"

After all, "I am Yosef"- I am also your father's son.

Yet, what did you do to me?

Did your actions regarding me demonstrate care and compassion for "your" father's wellbeing?

Why did you sell me, and why did you remove me from my father's presence for twenty-two years?

Do you know how much pain you caused him?

If you really loved him, as you claim, why didn't you care about his health when you sold me and caused him so much emotional pain?

You claim to care about your father, yet your actions indicate otherwise."


Our Sages quickly pointed out that this is one of the most powerful examples of rebuke.

Namely, when our words indicate one way, yet our actions are the opposite of our words, our sages could only say, "Woe to such a person who is caught in such a compromising and contradictory position."


Part Two- Yosef of Today

Friends, do our words today match our actions?

Could Yosef say to us, "I am Yosef. Is my father still alive?"

Which Yosef am I talking about?

I am talking about Yosef Mizrachi, who drives a taxi in Yerushalayim.

And I am talking about Yosef Epstein, who owns a restaurant on Ben Yehudah Street.

Or Yosef G., who lost a son in Gaza.

What am I referring to?

Since October 7, we have all been saying, "We care about our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel."

Since that horrific day, we kept claiming, "We are with you, our brethren in Israel! We support you!"

However, are our words in step with our actions?

Why are people unabashedly telling me they reserved tables at the best restaurant in Boca for Yeshiva-Week months ago?

When I asked them why, they replied, "You're not serious, are you? If you don't reserve before Chanuka, you'll be left with an hour's wait at one of the local pizza stores and no restaurant to eat at! Why else am I going to Florida? To eat in a Pizza store??"

(May Hashem save us from such terrible tribulations)

As I open Jewish publications, I see:

·        "Spend Pesach in Paris"

·        "Spend Passover in Perth"

·        "Celebrate Tu B'Shevat in Tahiti"

·        "Plan to Pray on Purim in Prague"

And perhaps the strangest:

·        "This Purim: "Break Your Fast in Birkenau and Eat All You Want in Auschwitz"


Please forgive my "dark humor". However, if I were totally honest, the paper would be saturated with tears.

Can someone really contemplate supporting another country's economy when Israel is at war???

Is this really the year to go anywhere but Eretz Yisroel?

Do we have the right to spend our money and support the economies of any other land except our true homeland?

The question looms powerfully above us and resonates as forcefully (if not more) as it did when Yosef asked his brothers!

"I am Yosef- Is my father "really" alive?"

The question comes from the mouths of Yosefs all over the land of Israel:

I am Yosef Mizrahi from Yerushalayim, "Is my Father in Heaven "Avinu SheBashamayim"- alive?"

Do you really believe that Avinu is alive?

If so, how do you support Ivan the Terrible by getting Chizuk in Treblinka and forget about visiting and being there for me?

You claim to love and want to support me.

Yet, you seem more interested in visiting death camps in Poland than living Jews in Jerusalem?

Where is our Father in Heaven? Is that where He wants you to go?"


There are dozens of "Yosef" s all over Eretz Yisroel.

Some own pizza stores.

Others drive taxis.

Others have restaurants.

And they are all asking, "I am Yosef. You all claim you love your "Father" (Avinu SheBeShomayim)- however, do you really believe in HIM- are you really doing what HE wants?


Part Three- On the Ground in Israel

My wife and I were privileged to spend Chanukah in Yerushalayim. When we arrived at our modest hotel, the proprietor informed us that we were the only "tourists" who were guests.

The other (only) four(!) hotel rooms, which were occupied, were filled by resident Israelis who wanted to be in Yerushalayim for family reasons.

If you scream out to Hashem, "Hashem, listen to my voice (to help my brethren in Israel); Your ears should be attentive to my supplications (to help the Jewish people in Eretz Yisroel)" (based on Tehillim 130) and instead of planning a trip to Israel to actually support the weakened economy, instead of coming to show your brethren with your body that you are with them- you book a trip to lands which are stained thoroughly with Jewish Blood- do you really mean what you say?

If you go traversing around Italy and support the country from where the headlines shout: "The Pope laments 'indiscriminate striking' of civilians in Gaza,"- can you really say you believe that Hashem will listen to your Tefillos?

When instead of traveling to Israel, you go to Poland, don't your actions indicate you feel more comfortable in Auschwitz than in Ashdod?

How do you say with complete honesty, "Israel (the Jewish people) trust in Hashem for only with Hashem is there Chessed and redemption"  (Tehillim 130:7) as you trust in your Polish security guard and seek redemption in a death camp, while the people of Yerushalayim yearn for your presence and your support?


Part Four- What Do I Ask?

Friends, we all need a break.

We all need time off.

However, if you are going on a vacation and are tempted by the ads for Shavuous in Shangri-La, maybe think twice.

Think about Yosef Mizrahi and his idling cab waiting for a passenger.

Think about Yosef Epstein, who had to let go of his restaurant's top chef for lack of business.

Think about Yosef G., whose son was killed last week in Gaza.

And when you think about them, remember they are all asking the same question: "I Am Yosef. Is My Father Still Alive?"

What answer will you give them?

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784